
Thank you for the comment on my recent email.

Also for the material you send, Even if few take our material seriously we have obeyed the call to be faithful to that which we are called to do.

I commented on what I am convicted to believe is coming soon.

This morning I received the link below.

It has been circulating for about 36 hours or so.

360,000 odd have watched it so far.

He says if Trump goes the nation goes. Part of the plan I would suggest.

Is the events coming going to result in the Democrats being neutered and Trump becoming master of the fascist state?

Crazier things have happened.

Take a few minutes to watch and tell me what you think.





I agree with ALL that you say Allen. What a great presentation!

Here are my comments:

I agree with ALL that Christopher Greene of AMTV says on the video as well. The British aristocracy and Masonic secret society network, through the Bank of England and City of London, that in turn controls the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, that in turn controls all the reserve banks in every country (including the US Federal Reserve), that in turn control all the banks – have been planning for these events for many years, and we are now only a short breath away from their introduction by way of an international banking “reset”, cancelling the old banking system and introducing a new global digital cashless one.

From the day that the United States of America was founded in the District of Columbia Corporation by Freemasons, it was and still is, entirely FASCIST no different than the dictatorship of Hitler over Nazi Germany.

For years, I have been continuously amazed at how the majority of Americans erroneously think their Constitution or balances and checks in Congress in the House of Representatives and Senate (based on ancient Fascist Rome) would finally ever save them from a dictatorial President Trump.

If you look at the history of Fascist governments, the dictator rises to power gradually at first, then later through the announcement of a national state of emergency, usually because of a terrorist act like an explosion or fire (always organised by the dictator himself). This happened with the Fire in Rome which Nero blamed on Christians, in Nazi Germany it was the burning of the Reichstag by fire on February 27, 1933, which Hitler blamed on the Communists (now called Democrats in the US Congress).

What Americans, including many relatively learned Americans, fail to properly understand, is that immediately after the Reichstag Fire and Hitler had declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY using Article 48 of the Weimar Republic Constitution, he then had President von Hindenberg sign the Reichstag Fire Decree, which immediantly SUSPENDED THE WEIMAR CONSTITUTION for the whole duration of the Third Reich. It is important to understand that the Weimar Constitution was never at all repealed by Hitler but was “indefinitely suspended.” This is why many informed Germans were deceived as they thought what was happening was only temporary!

After it was “suspended,” Hitler then had the Communist Party (now Democrats in the US Congress today) PROHIBITED on March 1, 1933, which then meant that the Nazi Party (now Fascist Republicans in US Congress today) were free to vote in the March 23, 1933 ENABLING ACT, which allowed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor and his Nazi cabinet to enact whatever laws they liked without the participation or say of the Reichstag (now US Congress) to create their new Nazi police state of totalitarianism.

Americans, indeed most people here in our own countries, would immediately scorn or laugh at the suggestion that President Trump is fast becoming a FASCIST DICTATOR, but history and the facts unfolding right now prove otherwise.

I therefore agree with all that Christopher Greene says. I think he e may be a little off with the type of emergency event he refers to, mentioning an “electric magnetic pulse” or electric grid shutdown, but it is still a valid possibility. Whatever it will be, will be something that ultimately affects not only the US but the global banking system. There is no question the hierarchy at the top want a “controlled demolition” of riots and chaos to transfer to the new system, however it it may be stormier than even they can ever imagine. Historically too, under a Fascist State, even those closest to the dictator, or even the dictator himself, have to watch their own backs – so in the end even the Fuehrer himself could end up with a dagger in his back!!

Our Reserve Bank of New Zealand, under BIS rules, are already planning for the “reset” https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/regulation-and-supervision/banks/open-bank-resolution as are your own in Australia https://www.ainsliebullion.com.au/gold-silver-bullion-news/senate-passes-e2-80-98bail-in-e2-80-99-law-e2-80-93-how-safe-is-your-cash-now-/tabid/88/a/1722/default.aspx The claim that all deposits in Australia are guaranteed up to AU$250,000 is quite frankly, a joke, as in a crisis the Government has no money of itself and Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions will be broke.

Here are just two of many earlier major British propaganda movie “trailers” used to mind control the stupid American public preparing them to accept what Trump is implementing or planning to do so now:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CKD4ccc62s “AMERIKA miniseries Trailer (1987)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq_C21Ksk_w “Amerika” (Watch boy David Andrew’s speech from 6:33 in)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLQOc-B0Ys “The Seige – Official Trailer”

If you view Christopher Greene’s timely presentation, view the previous links above and then watch this latest RT report, “Trump Threatens To Declare State of Emergency To Secure Wall Fundinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-FRx3nfQAU one must surely reach the inescapable conclusion that we are right now on the “cusp” of all this rapidly happening!

Unfortunately, as per normal, only a very few have the discernment, brains or the gumption, to actually be prepared for the inevitable, take some form of physical action to heed our warnings, and at least in the short term separate themselves from the masses and riotous stampede for the exits soon to come!
