
I plan to post this on my website. Excellent history regarding the money problem!

The picture in the article named Fight For The Colors by Don Troiani depicts Francis Asbury Wallar capturing the Rebel flag from W.P. Murphy. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his action. Three Wallar brothers enlisted at my home town and all survived the terrible tragedy. One brother was captured and held in prison, but survived.

In the Bloody Railroad Cut at Gettysburg by Lance J. Herdegen and William J.K. Beaudot is a great read that describes how The Iron Brigade met the Rebels on 1 July 1863 near Gettysburg. Several years ago I went to Carroll University at Waukesha Wisconsin and visited with Lance J. Herdegen. He signed my copy with the words,

To David, Who still hears the drums of 1861… Lance J. Herdegen

Viva Christo Rey!