Wake Up to GetUp! Episode 1


Wake Up to GetUp! – Episode 2


Wake Up to GetUp! – Episode 3


K passed on this comment and website:

This is a “history” lesson of concern. It is important that we understand left-wing activism and what is happening to our political processes in Australia! Let there be no doubt, that this is a militant and well financed, influential minority group, committed to serious social engineering and corruption of our political process in this country!

Getup is a ne0-Marxist organisation set on destroying Christianity and imposing totalitarian government. It has 1.2 million members. Young people drive it but the cannon fodder are older people. I have been saying for some time that the Alliance needs 1 million members. I am still working on it and encourage you to do the same.

These three short videos are certainly a great presentation of how the Marxist group GetUp is rapidly expanding and mobilizing Australians (particularly young voters) to quickly become COMMUNIST, as a branch of Online Progressive Engagement Network (OPEN) in Europe.

Their branch here in New Zealand is called ActionStation where they are a huge supporter of Labour Party policies and Marxist PM Jacinda Ardern, and in the USA it is called MoveOn.org where they currently help fund the Democratic Party and are secretly working to impeach President Donald Trump. It is VERY DEVIOUS!!!!!!