Did you get to listen to the church service on Sunday. I went and listened but I am not sure of what I heard. Acts scripture he was talking about seemed different from what I have read. Acts 2:4-13 for the wonderful works of God. Acts 6:1-7 seven men of honest report. Not 7 stars. Acts 10:12-15 believing is pure. Unbelieving nothing is pure. Also 1 Cor25 is like dont go looking for trouble. So maybe Tim wants to keep the peace. Acts 15:22-29 be careful of whom you listen to. This is just my thoughts as I have read it and looked back over the different scripture readings it shows. I am not well versed in my words or learning. Hope you can understand me. Cheers.

No. I didn’t listen to or watch any church services on Sunday. If you download and read the chapters in the links to the books I previously sent you about PENTECOST, ALPHA, and MAORI WHANAU paganism you will have a good understanding about what wickedness your church, pastor, and many others are up to now. However, very briefly, in respect of MATARIKI, here is what is going on:


What the Maori call MATARIKI, in fact, is a constellation of hundreds of stars, with only nine or seven primary clusters visible to the human eye. The Maori get all of their witchcraft linked to Matariki from ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman mythology. In Greek mythology and witchcraft, the Matariki were called the Pleiades ‘Seven Sisters’. This group of seven stars was personified to become the “seven daughters” of the Titan, Atlas – who was forced to hold up the sky for eternity and therefore was unable to protect his daughters. To save the sisters from being raped by the hunter Orion, Zeus the chief sun-god, (and father of the gods) transformed them into seven stars.

All pagan religions worship the Pleiades constellation of stars in one form or another. In Hawaiian they are called ‘Makali’i’ ‘eyes of royalty’, in Japan, they are called ‘Subaru’ ‘Gathered together’ and so on.

The Maori witchcraft is taken directly from these ancient Greek pagan myths. As I’ve said before, Maori religious paganism and witchcraft is one of the purest forms of Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman witchcraft left remaining in the world today. Only now most people are too ignorant to understand it. Now, in Maori witchcraft, these seven stars are claimed to represent a whaea ‘mother’ – Matariki – and her six daughters, Tupuanuku, Tupuarangi, Waipunarangi, Waiti, Waita and Ururangi.

Matariki takes place in mid-winter from late May to early July with the dates varying according to the tribes and geography. In the Maori Lunar Calendar, the reappearance of the Matariki stars in the early morning sky brings the past year to a close and marks the beginning of the New Year as the sun (in the Southern Hemisphere) turns from his northern journey with his winter-bride Takurua (the star Sirius) to begin his journey back to his Maori summer bride Hine Raumati.

In New Zealand, traditionally the Maori have celebrated Matariki between June 20 – June 22 around the Winter Solstice ‘Te Maruaroa o Takurua’ directly after the first sighting of Matariki (Pleiades) and Puanga/Puaka (star Rigel) in the dawn sky, which brings in the Dawn of the New Year. This year, the first public holiday day dedicated to celebrate Matariki is on Friday, 24th June 2022, which is not normal and there is a very good reason why;


In ancient and modern witchcraft, Satanism and Luciferianism, there are basically eight major Satanic feast days with the two biggest ones being the Summer and Winter Solstices centred around worshipping the supreme sun-god, the Sun. TodayThese chief feast days are “Christianized” and celebrated by Freemasonry as the Feast of John the Baptist on 24th June (Summer Solstice – Mid-Summer’s Day) and the Feast of John the Evangelist on 27th December (Winter Solstice). This terminology should be reversed for us in the Southern Hemisphere. Hence, this is why the first Masonic Lodge was founded in London in 1717 AD on the Feast Day of John the Baptist on 24th June 1717. This is why, through the Masonic Lodge here in New Zealand, the high-level pagans in our government are supporting this Maori witchcraft with the introduction of Matariki and demonic feast this Friday, 24th June, 2022.

Here is a relatively low-level British witch priestess explaining how and why they celebrate it:

Virtually all the great feasts in the Roman Cathiolic Church and Protestant churches today, such as Christmas (Summer/Winter Solstice) are simply non-Biblical feasts dedicated to the worship of the pagan sun-god and his consort, the Babylonian mother-earth goddess Ishtar (Easter). The Feast of St George, on April 23rd each year, in the supposedly Christian churches is another good example as St George is simply the “Christianized” Roman sun-god JUPITER, with the greatest pagan feast in ancient Rome, the VINALIA, held on April 23rd every year dedicated to him.

So this new pagan Maori feast day Matariki is yet another abomination to those that already exist. Virtually all these feasts dedicated to the worship of the sun by Maori were once accompanied with fire ceremonies on altars in which they formerly practiced Cannibalism by sacrificially burning their children alive to their sun-god, just as the Children of Israel did when they worshipped Baal. Therefore, I would expect the Maori to burn sacrificial ritual fires, in symbolism of this, during the ceremonies throughout the country on Friday 24th 2022. This they will claim is to farewell their dead, honour ancestors or celebrate whanau, or whatever, but the real focus is to worship their demonic sun-god. Watch the following video clips carefully!


This is our Maori demonically welcoming in the New Dawn at the NZ Chatham islands (during our Summer Solstice) (leading the whole world I might add), during the Millennium Celebrations on 31 December 1999. Note the children dressed as birds (evil spirits) and the whole Maori congregation dressed with patches of red, yellow and blue, dedicated to their sky-god and sun-god. When Maori shake their hands in worship, or do the haka, what they are really doing is emulating the worship of the “shimmering rays” of their sun-god – in the Bible referred to as BAAL.

Here you will see the World Witch High Priestess and Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Queen Elizabeth II, dressed in SCARLET RED, leading the Millennium Celebrations in London 31st December 1999.

1) Note the boy and girl at 7:57 singing a demonic prayer to Lucifer.
2) Note the lighting of an EMERALD GREEN laser (to represent the Emerald of Hermes, the demonic pagan founder of Freemasonry) ( A counterfeit of the emerald on Aaron’s breastplate of righteousness representing God’s promises to Judah Exodus 39:14 and hence the Jews – a counterfeit of the emerald representing Christ in Rev. 4:3)
3) Note the whole stage in the Millenium Dome is a split-stone pagan witchcraft sacrificial altar.
4) Note the pagan arch, (representing the entrance to the mother-earth goddess womb – same as Maori arch before you enter the Marae! Yes, it’s a lot more subtle and devious than the Maori celebrations – but it is the same!


I am only scratching the surface. HOWEVER, I can confidently say, if your church or any church for that matter participates in these new Matariki celebrations – they all, from the pastor down, from henceforth have the judgment of God on them and their children. The reason is plain, the evidence is overwhelming, that Matariki is a pagan feast focussed on the worship of the stars of the host of heaven.

Acts 7:42-43 KJV is very plain, “… then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven … etc.”
Romans 1:20-22 KJV “… Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.. etc.”

According to the Bible, a genuine Christian pastor’s position is a highly honorable one with big rewards in heaven, also very similar for all Christians, very similar to a leading priest’s role in the Old Testament. So we should all cherish and pray for good pastors who head a “family church” congregation whenever we can. However, with the position comes big responsibilities, to be a faithful witness of the truth and gospel. So to turn away from the truth, the reverse is to be true. If you talk to him and perhaps let him read this email and he still persists in joining with the Matariki celebrations, I would recommend you remind him of this:

“Then said he unto his disciples. It is impossible but that offences will come, but woe unto him, through whom they come!

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:1-2 KJV)