I had seen your second presentation about the Commonwealth Games Ceremony which someone sent to me. I hadn’t even watched the games at all or the opening ceremony. I thought your presentation was excellent. As for the first video presentation, towards the end I thought what you had to say about Christ coming AFTER the great tribulation was so encouraging as this is what I believe myself. At least over the last 30 years I have had post-trib professing Christians say to me, “Jack, we don’t have to worry about all the conspiracy theories and Antichrist stuff like yourself, we will all be gone before all this happens.” Well, how do you explain Matt.24:29 KJV “Immediately AFTER the tribulation – then the Son of man in heaven comes? Then what about Matt.24:22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake [STILL HERE] those days shall be shortened.”

Back to King Charles. Below is but one of many reports, propaganda or otherwise, denigrating King Charles already pressurizing him to abdicate at present. I admit I could be wrong, but I have always believed he would not become king of the United Kingdom, but he would become Plato’s Socialist “Philosopher King,” World Savior and Prince of Peace. Hence, he would become like Goliath (name means ‘exile’) after a terrible time of war between the Philistines (Palestinians) and Israel to become the Philistine champion, finally to be challenged and killed by David, a type of Jesus Christ

I’ve written about it before, including in my first book published in 2,000, GLADIATOR: A MASTERPIECE OF NAZI PROPAGANDA. Sadly, Texe Marrs republished the book GLADIATOR: Witchcraft, Propaganda and the Rise of the World Hero, but edited out what I wrote under the sub-heading “Israel or Palestine” about David and Goliath. Here is an original copy of the manuscript that David Stouvenel in Wisconsin graciously put on his website: This info is roughly between pages 39-52.

So this is briefly what I think is going to happen. King Charles is going to abdicate and like Goliath, go into EXILE. There is going to be soon horrendous global war and possible nuclear conflict and tribulation, (not Armageddon), and the world’s population are going to be literally shaking with fear and trembling, thinking it is the end of the world. None of the world’s political leaders will resolve the crisis and in fact they all will be held in contempt by the general population. Only then, will Charles step forward, at the last minute, to bring the opposing parties together and bring peace to the world. As such, he will be worshipped as the Prince of Peace and World Savior, where in fact he is the Antichrist and arch-enemy of Believers.

If he goes into exile first, soon, being German, could he live in England and rule from Berlin, where Satan’s seat, the Pergamon Altar, mentioned in Revelation, is located. Literally, the name ‘Pergamon’ in Greek means, Per ‘perverted’ gamos ‘marriage’, so there could be some truth in these latest revelations. It was in the Reichstag in Berlin where all the Electors met that ruled the Holy Roman Empire. Charles the fifth was the last emperor crowned by the Pope. If the pope crowned Charles I think he would be considered Charles 6th! If the EU soon collapses, could the Holy Roman Empire be quickly revived? It never was officially dissolved. There are eleven monarchies in Europe. Could these become the 10 horns and 10 kings plus the 11th little horn that subdues three of them, that rule one hour with the beast?

I don’t profess to be absolutely right on all this, but shortly time will tell!

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