In 1980 Julia and Joseph Quinlan founded Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice in loving memory of their daughter. The personal connection between the organization and the people in the community has been the cornerstone of its growth and development.

Their legal battle for their daughter’s right to live without extraordinary means of life support and landmark decision that followed, opened the Quinlan’s’ eyes as to the need for end-of-life care for patients. This awareness led to the creation of the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice that now serves patients and families in NJ and PA.

The message, “We were started in 1980 by the Quinlan family, and we’re here for your family,” resonates with people seeking hospice. They recognize that the Quinlan family has been in the very same situation, and that the hospice nurses, counselors, social workers, chaplains, and aides are here for one reason – for them.

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