By E. Michael Jones
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In an article in the Unz Review in July, retired CIA agent Philip Giraldi described an encounter he had at what he called “an antiwar conference.”

Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has mentioned Israel in this conference, and we all know it’s American Jews with all their money and power who are supporting every war in the Middle East for Netanyahu? Shouldn’t we start calling them out and not letting them get away with it?”1

The 2018 conference was in Mashhad, in Iran, and the “elderly gentleman,” much as I hate to admit it, was me. Why is Phil calling me an elderly gentleman when he is two years older than me? But I did say that we had to break what someone else had called the “Jew taboo” if we wanted to be effective in opposing the forces that were driving America into one war after another. There were three reasons why Donald Trump revoked the JCPOA, otherwise known as the nuclear agreement with Iran: “Sheldon Adelson, Bernard Marcus, and Paul Singer.” Three rich Jews had taken over America’s foreign policy, and yet we were constrained by the conventions of polite behavior, otherwise known as the “Jew taboo,” from mentioning the fact that they were Jews or the fact that they were ruining America’s international reputation by pursuing a foreign policy whose only beneficiary was Israel. In Iran, it was okay to criticize Jews as long as you called them Israelis. But it wasn’t Israelis who had persuaded Trump to revoke the nuclear deal, it was Jews in America. As I made my point, a giant TV screen in the background showed Israeli snipers in real time shooting fleeing Palestinians in the back as they retreated from the apartheid wall the Israelis had erected to keep them out of their own country. It wasn’t all Jews who were at fault, I continued. “If all Jews were like Rabbi David Weiss,” the member of Neturei Carta who was sitting at the front podium somewhere between Phil and Nader Talebzadeh, “we wouldn’t be here discussing this problem. But most Jews are not content like him to live in their ghettos, they are only happy when they are taking over your culture and destroying it.”

Not everyone was happy with what I had to say. Miko Peled, son of the famous Israeli general and an avid supporter of Palestinian rights, spent the rest of the day going around to people like Alison Weir and lobbying to get me kicked out of the conference. That didn’t happen because the Iranians are too polite to do such a thing, but also because many people felt that I had finally said what needed to be said. Phil came up to me afterward and thanked me for my forthrightness and went on to put my suggestion into practice in an article which stated clearly how the Jews were responsible not only for the ongoing atrocities then, but also for the current atrocity known as the war in the Ukraine. But by doing that, he learned that no one who criticizes the Jews escapes punishment, but not without the subsequent rise in consciousness which is the constant companion to opposition to evil. The American Conservative was explicitly created by Pat Buchanan and Taki as a nationalist foil to neoconservatism, but it too had been co-opted and was now being run by the opportunist Rod Dreher, whose main job was to insure that conservatism of whatever stripe didn’t threaten Jewish interests.

Phil Giraldi wasn’t the only one who thanked me for what I said. After the session concluded, I was approached by the keynote speaker for that day, Alexander Dugin, the sociologist who was a driving force in Russian nationalism, who had spoken about the multi-polar world which was to rise phoenix-like from the ashes of the American Empire and now he was thanking me for my intervention about breaking the Jew taboo.

Dugin would learn the lesson we had all learned from questioning Jewish power but in a much more horrible way when his daughter was murdered on August 20, 2022 in a car bomb attack. According to Andrey Krasnov, who knew Darya Dugina personally, the attack was aimed at Alexander, not his daughter. “This was the father’s vehicle. Darya…took his car today, while Alexander went in a different way. He returned, and he was at the site of the tragedy. As far as I understand, Alexander or probably both of them were the target.”2 Denis Pushilin, head of the Russian-controlled Donetsk People’s Republic claimed that Dugina had been killed by the Ukrainian government.3 Dugin had already been singled out for assassination by the UDA, the Ukrainian Volunteer Army (Українська добровольча армія), a branch of the Nazi Right Sector, but that had been years ago.

More recently, Dugin had broken the Jew taboo. On June 29, 2022, Kevin MacDonald posted an article on the Occidental Quarterly website analyzing the English translation of an article by Dugin which appeared on Katehon, an anti-globalist, pro-Russian website entitled “The United States Court against the Ideology of Progress.”4 Like me, Dugin saw Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision striking down all laws prohibiting abortion as a significant step toward the establishment of Jewish hegemony over American culture. In the wake of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Dugin had written an article breaking the Jew taboo. The turning point in American culture had taken place in the 1970s when a new group which was:

ethnically Jewish but imbued with European or Russian Soviet principles and cultural codes . . . brought a different culture and philosophy to the United States. They did not understand or accept American pragmatism at all, seeing it only as a backdrop for their own advancement. That is, they took advantage of American opportunities, but did not intend to adopt a libertarian logic unrelated to any hint of totalitarianism. In reality, it was these alien elites who hijacked the old American democracy. It was they who took the helm of globalist structures and gradually seized power in the United States.5

In making this claim, Dugin broke the Jew taboo. This was necessary to establish the otherwise incomprehensible connection between abortion and wars in support of Israel which is characteristic of what Dugin calls the “New America,” a group which:

insists that freedom requires violence against those who do not understand it well enough. Which means that freedom must have a normative interpretation and it is up to the neo-liberals themselves to determine how and to whom they use it and how they interpret it. The old liberalism is libertarian. The new is blatantly totalitarian. The Supreme Court is now overturning the totalitarian dictatorial strategy of the neo-liberal globalist elites, who act — a bit like the Bolsheviks in Russia — in the name of the future.

In the “New America,” you are either a killer or a fetus. Killers have Jewish privilege, but fetuses have no rights before the law, as Americans learned after Charlottesville and January 6. According to Dugin’s understanding of the “New” i.e., Jewish America, “you have no right not to be a liberal. If you are not a progressive, you are a Nazi and must be destroyed. Everything must be sacrificed in the name of freedom, LGBT+, transgender and artificial intelligence.”6 According to this essentially Talmudic ideology, if the mother has the right to kill her child, the government has the right to assassinate anyone who opposes the oligarchs right to interpret Justice Kennedy’s mystery clause—“At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life”—as they see fit. Once Dugin had broken the Jew taboo, it was clear that he was not a liberal and that he had, therefore, lost the right to life every bit as much as millions of fetuses had during the ongoing Jewish reign of terror which began in 1973 when the Supreme Court handed down Roe v. Wade.

The only question was choosing the right means to bring about the political equivalent of an abortion. One month before the UDA botched Dugin’s assassination, murdering his daughter instead, a federal jury in New York convicted former CIA officer Joshua Schulte on nine felony counts under the Espionage Act for providing information to the Wikileaks file that became known as Vault 7. One of the most significant revelations of Vault 7 was “proof that the CIA was able to hack into cars’ computer systems and could take over control of the vehicle.”7

This revelation had no direct bearing on the murder of Daria Dugina because the whole point of the assassination was to spread terror among the Russian population at large for which publicity was necessary. The attempt on Dugin’s life had more in common with the Ukrainian shelling of the nuclear plant at Zaporozhe, which was another attempt to divert the world’s attention from the fact that the Ukranazis were losing the war. It was also a desperate attempt to set off Article 5 of the NATO charter, by alleging a Russian nuclear attack against NATO members as a pretext for getting another group of goyim to die for the gay disco, as the Russians ground the Ukrainian forces to dust. More importantly, the point of this UDA killing was to impress the Americans and shake them down for more money. In the wake of Dugina’s death, Joe Biden sent another $775 million to the Ukrainian Nazis whose main job is enriching themselves while defending the gay disco…

[…] This is just an excerpt from the October 2022 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

(Endnotes Available by Request)