Thanks for this one. Not all that this chap says is the truth, but some of the “comments” from Christians do bring out the full truth.

Many Christians refer to Genesis 12:3 about whosoever will bless Israel I will bless etc. That is not what this scripture says, it is speaking about Abram, a Gentile, and his faith. Some people in the comments refer to Matthew 5:44, correctly, about how “We should all love our enemies”. Firstly, Jesus Christ, the son of David, came for the lost sheep of Israel, and he is now requiring this of Israel and all Jews, after John the Baptist. In Luke 16:16 he revealed: “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.” This means that the Israeli Defence Force now is an abomination and in opposition to God.

Even in the Old Testament, when Israel was under the law (of an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth) God never ever saved Israel through military might – ever!. Indeed, David slew the Philistine (Palestinian) giant Goliath with a sling and a smooth stone taken up out of the brook Elah (representative of Jesus Christ the chief cornerstone), then after he had killed him, he slew him again the second time, with the giant’s own sword, and said, “And all this assembly (Israel) shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’S …” (1 Samuel 17:47 KJV). In their wicked rebellion against God, the Israeli Defence Force have not only been killing thousands of Palestinian women and children (contrary to Matthew 5:44), they actually have the cheek to include Goliath’s own sword as their Satanic Coat of Arms, inside a hexagram, the ancient symbol of the Canaanite/Philistine sun-god Moloch and the star Chiun!,Israel%20Defense%20Forces%20(IDF).&text=The%20center%20of%20the%20emblem,words%20Israel%20Defense%20Forces%20underneath

This is why God is going to allow fully TWO-THIRDS of the population of Israel to be killed with the SWORD in the near future before he saves the nation who are left, mainly Hasidic Jews who refuse to serve in the military I might add, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE 1 SAMUEL 17:47 KJV! (read Zechariah 13:8 KJV).

When the unbelieving Jews came to Jesus erroneously claiming that Abraham was their father, Jesus plainly told them if he was their father, ye would believe in me – and then told them their father was not Abraham at all – but the Devil! (John 8:36-42, John 8:44-45 KJV).

So it is important to speak and base our understanding on the scriptures WITH DISCERNMENT. While it is true God has brought his Jewish people back to the land of Israel as prophesied in Zechariah chapters 12-13 in largely a terrible state of unbelief and wickedness (yes, Benjamin Netanyahu is a 33 degree Freemason – Luciferian), to finally pour water upon them and cleanse them, it is important to be precise about what kind of support we give Israel – and certainly not weapons of war as the US is wickedly doing at present. There are, apart from Jewish Messianic brethren living in Israel, many Palestinian Christians as well. Israel in the Bible is COMMANDED to receive these people as FELLOW-CITIZENS OF ISRAEL. They were even at the time of Joshua. Rehab the harlot in Matthew chapter one is even included in the ‘Generation of Jesus Christ’.

The real truth is that the only way to defeat Islam, Hamas and Hezbollah is to help them, love them and preach the gospel to them. Imagine if all the hundreds of billions spent on the Israeli military to the present had been spent on preaching the gospel to them and helping them – not isolating them and dropping bombs on them.

Of course, after the battle at Armageddon, and after God steps in and finally saves Israel and Ezekiel’s new temple is built. When the whole nation of Israel will be united in Y’shua – the first priority will be to preach the gospel to the Palestinians and the world – and what a remarkable time that will be.

It is all about the faith of Abraham, not genealogy. All those who finally will be citizens of Israel will be BOTH Jews and Gentiles, who have faith in Jesus Christ. The two-thirds that are going to be killed are going to be the worst of the UNBELIEVERS. Sadly, most Messianic Jews and Christians deliberately avoid this scriptural truth that severe judgment (Day of Atonement) is still to come for Israel.

So really, if one wants to support Israel now. By all means do, but make sure it is scripturally based. A good start would be to support Israeli Messianic ministries – but definitely not the Israeli Government, that plainly is still corrupt!

In fact, before God finally saves Israel, Jerusalem is going to become so decadent, evil and wicked, Revelation 11:8 KJV describes the city as not Jerusalem but “SODOM & EGYPT.”