Rupert Murdoch, a British agent, is a member of the World Economic Forum (controlled from Chatham House in London) and Fox News is largely funded by Anglo/American bankers and asset managers who indirectly control the mainstream media. Right now there is a full-scale war taking place over the censorship of the mainstream media and Internet. So presumably Tucker Carlson was not stepping into line over ‘conspiracy theory’ censorship policy in his program run by Fox News. So like other presenters who question anything promoted by big business or the Government, off he goes. However, what is happening is much more insidious than Tucker Carlson’s sacking:


Like all of the world’s leading universities now that have become indoctrination schools rather than genuine schools of education. Harvard is no exception. In fact, most people are under the mistaken belief that these universities are either majority funded by the government or if private, by student fees. When in most cases most of the university funding comes from vested financial interests, donors, foundations and financial endowments. These vested financial donations and endowments come from banks, corporations and very rich individuals who direct the university’s educational policies and standards. Harvard’s financial endowments are valued at $50 billion making it the wealthiest academic institution in the world.

Educational financial endowments are a legal structure for managing a financial investment pool according to the will of its founders and donors. Foundations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation operate in a similar manner. The earliest endowed chairs in learning were established by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius in Athens in AD176 for funding schools of philosophy in Platonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism and Epicureanism. Later this system spread to Europe where the earliest universities were founded with an endowment by a prince or a monarch for training and indoctrinating government officials and loyal subjects.

England was particularly skilled in this development. Lady Margaret Beaufort, grandmother of king Henry VIII, created the first endowed chairs at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge – and 50 years later king Henry VIII established the Regius Professorships at both universities. Following this, with the later colonizing of the United States, the practice of funding universities through financial endowments was commenced and still remains today.

Harvard University was founded in 1636 as Harvard College and named after its first benefactor, the Puritan clergyman, John Harvard, and is the oldest university in the United States. Today, gone are all of its former Puritan ethics. Today it is controlled by two governing boards, that largely represent the financial donors and endowments that fund it.

The first board is called the HARVARD BOARD OF OVERSEERS (formerly The Honorable and Reverent the Board of Overseers). There were over 30 overseers on the Board as of January 2023. Here are just two examples of people who sit on the board as Overseers:

1) MARK CARNEY (2021-2027): Former Governor of the Bank of England and Bank of Canada, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance.
2) RAPHAEL BOSTIC (2020-2026): President and CEO Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He was an economist for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors from 1995-2001. He is the first African-American and openly gay person appointed to lead a regional Federal Reserve Bank, and recently had been recommended as a possible replacement for Jerome Powell as Chairman of the Federal Reserve before Powell was re-nominated for a second four year term.

The second board is called THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE (also called the HARVARD CORPORATION). It is the oldest corporation in the United States. There are currently thirteen members of the corporation. Among these members are:

1) KENNETH CHENAULT: Former CEO of American Express.
2) DAVID RUBENSTEIN: Co-CEO of the Carlyle Group.
3) PENNY PRITZKER: Former United States Secretary of Commerce.

So as one can see, the controlling power of Harvard University behind the scenes, is made up largely of bankers, and British at that. But it gets worse:

PRESIDENT OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY: The current and 29th president of Harvard University is an American Jewish economist, LAWRENCE SELDON BACOW. Prior to assuming the presidency in 2018, Bacow was the Hauser leader-in-residence of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School. On June 8, 2022 Bacow announced he would be leaving the presidency of Harvard in June 2023, and in December announced that Claudine Gay would succeed him as Harvard’s 30th president.

FORMER NEW ZEALAND PRIME MINISTER JACINDA ARDERN: In 2020, the Harvard Kennedy School Center for Public Leadership Gleitsman International Activist Award was presented to Jacinda Ardern while she delivered a commencement address at the university. At the time, Harvard President Larry Bacow called Ardern “one of the most respected leaders on the world stage” and that she “modelled compassionate leadership” to bring empathy and science based solutions together to address challenges. On April 26, 2023, Harvard University announced a new post for her, referring to Ardern as having earned international acclaim through her leadership of NZ over the last six years.

So what is Jacinda Ardern’s new post? It is to take up the first tech governance leadership fellow at the Berkman Klein Center and work with its research community – studying ways to improve content standards and platform accountability for extremist content online as well as artificial intelligence and algorithms – all connected to her role as a special envoy to the ‘Christchurch Call’ to censor free speech on the Internet and her work on Prince William’s Earthshot Board.

So here is something possibly worth meditating upon by concerned Americans and others. A former Labour Party New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark (and Marxist) is now co-President of Chatham House (formerly called the Royal Institute of International Affairs) in London (headed by the Monarch) that is the most powerful think tank in the world that also controls the World Economic Forum. And now we have yet another former Labour Party New Zealand Prime Minister, while directly working for Prince William, taking up a new position in Harvard getting ready to indoctrinate Americans to accept the censorship of the Internet and close down free speech – which here in New Zealand all started with exasperated TV and radio hosts like Tucker Carlson, who dared question statements made by the Government or mainstream media.