According to Sam Evans, The Electric Viking in Australia, (and many other so-called experts), Norway now leads the world in BEV sales, with TESLA MODELS 3 and Y making up 25% of the entire mature electric car market driving down sales of fossil fuels petrol and diesel vehicles to below 5% of all new car sales. He suggests this may soon be replicated in other countries too. Well is that so?

What they fail to tell you is that the massive increase in electric vehicle sales and penetration in Norway has been caused by the Norwegian Government abolishing the 25% VAT tax (Value Added Tax) from electric vehicles sales, but keeping it on petrol and diesel vehicles. However, as the Government has now achieved about 95% electric car penetration, they now all of a sudden, consider these liberal subsidies are no longer urgently needed. As a result, they have reintroduced the 25% VAT tax on electric vehicles as from 1 January, 2023 making them incredibly expensive once again, and locking the mugs in who have previously bought them, into an electrified transport system that is incredibly expensive.


New Zealand Government Clean Car Programme
NZ$1 = US$0.60 cents
While not as draconian as the Norwegian programme, currently the New Zealand Government imposes taxes on new and second hand imported petrol and diesel vehicles depending on their CO2 emissions up to NZ$5175 per vehicle. This is a self- funding scheme with the extra taxes on petrol and diesel vehicles used to fund rebates on new electric vehicles up to a maximum rebate of NZ$8625 per vehicle.

From 1 July 2023, the maximum new clean-car fee will increase from NZ$5175 to NZ$6900 and the new clean-car rebate will reduce from NZ$8625 to NZ$7015.


According to Auto Dealer Today Magazine research (which is never mentioned by electric vehicle promoters) it is the enormous depreciation of electric vehicles that is by far the greatest cost: In the UK, the average depreciation of BEVs 2020-2023 over 3 years is estimated to be around 51% for all makes with some greatly higher than that such as the Hyundai IONIQ at 67% and the BMWi3 at 64%.

So let’s compare the costs between a Hyundai IONIQ 2023 BEV model (retails in NZ for NZ$100,000) and a Mazda CX-5 GSX 2.5L petrol 2023 (retails in NZ for NZ$48,000) with each doing 30,000 kms over the 3 year period. Let’s be kind to the Hyundai BEV owner and give him free charging over the entire period.

The Mazda CX-5 uses about 8 litres per 100 kms or 80 litres per 1,000 kms. So this means this vehicle will use 30 times 80 litres of petrol for 30,000 kms = 24,000 litres x NZ$2 per litre = cost over 3 years for petrol = TOTAL NZ$4,800 or NZ$30.76 per week.

Yet here in NZ at present this Mazda CX-5 GSX 2.5L 2021 model has actually gone up in value, or at least remained very close to even the 2023 current new price after nearly 30,000kms has been clocked up! Here is but one of many examples:

In just 3 years, on average, according to the UK data, the NZ$100,000 Hyundai IONIQ will drop NZ$67,000 in value to NZ$33,000. Total NZ$67,000 over 3 years divided by 156 weeks = NZ$429.48 per week JUST FOR THE DEPRECIATION COST ALONE! That is a cost almost 14 times more per week than the Mazda CX-5 uses on fuel! Or put in even better context, petrol (gasoline to Americans) would have to rise to over NZ$30 per litre before petrol or diesel vehicles became as expensive to run as BEV electric vehicles without any cost to charge their batteries. On the basis of this fact alone, one would have to be as nutty as a pecan pie to buy a BEV electric vehicle!

Compare this to a nearly new Tesla Y 2023 (highest spec. model) where the owner has already taken a beating with an asking price of NZ$107,500. Also readers might find the comments interesting.

Here are examples of Tesla Model 3s:
Here is a 2022 near new Performance model at NZ93,900:

Here is a 2019 one of the same model at: NZ$57,990 after dropping about 40% in value over 2 years.

Could Elon Musk, and all these rabid UN Climate Change and Global Warming ‘experts’ be engineering geniuses – or could they be, all along, expert liars? And could their real ultimate goal not only be the elimination of fossil fuel vehicles, but eventually the abolition of all vehicles including the electric ones too? Certainly looks like it.