By Michael Gaddy
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Most are aware of my disdain for the blanket use of the word “Founders” because for two centuries the term has portrayed the belief that the people who wrote the constitution and promoted the foundation of the government we have today were all great friends and acted in complete agreement on the form of government which was created with the Constitution of 1787, when in actuality nothing could be more incorrect. These people were not of the same mindset. Several of them sought to preserve the freedom and liberty which had been obtained through the revolution against the monarchy of King George III, while a significant number of them secretly wanted to return to a monarchical form of government for that had been the source of their wealth and political station in the colonies prior to the revolution.
These people who gave themselves the deceptive name of Federalists, used every lie they could conger up to convince the people they needed a government of “more energy.” Surely today we can see the devastation visited on a mass of society by a government of more energy!
These Federalist “Founders” were to a man, members of the wealthy aristocracy of that time—there were no common folks at the convention which created the [Con]stitution. “We the people” has to be the greatest lie ever foisted on an unsuspecting society.
I’m not going to name individually my group of founders in hopes that you will look them up by their words and learn more about them. I hope they would forgive me for such an indulgence. I also take poetic license in calling them “my” founders while my references to “your” founders is aimed at those who still believe this constitution to have been established to protect the liberties and freedom of their fellow man and for the totally deluded among us who still believe this specious piece of conspiratorial criminality was “inspired by God.”
Here my Founders introduce yours:
“Those furious zealots who are for cramming it (constitution) down the throats of the people, without allowing them either time or opportunity to scan or weigh it in the balance of their understandings, bear the same marks in their features as those who have been long wishing to erect an aristocracy…”
Here, my Founder describes your Founders brand new constitution in 1787:
“As the plan now offered comes something near their wishes, and is the most consonant to their views of any they can hope for, they come boldly forward and DEMAND its adoption. They brand with infamy every man who is not as determined and zealous in its favor as themselves. They cry aloud the whole must be swallowed or none at all, thinking thereby to preclude any amendment; they are afraid of having it abated of its present RIGID aspect.”
Here my Founder describes the efforts of your founders to foist their plan on to everyone:
“They have strived to overawe or seduce printers to stifle and obstruct a free discussion, and have endeavored to hasten it to a decision before the people can duly reflect upon its properties. In order to deceive them, they incessantly declare that none can discover any defect in the system but bankrupts who wish no government, and officers of the present government who fear to lose a part of their power. These zealous partisans may injure their own cause, and endanger the public tranquility by impeding a proper inquiry; the people may suspect the WHOLE to be a dangerous plan, from such COVERED and DESIGNING schemes to enforce it upon them.”
Your founders didn’t play nice!
“The inundation of abuse that has been thrown out upon the heads of those who have had any doubts of its universal good qualities, have been so redundant, that it may not be improper to scan the characters of its most strenuous advocates.”
“It will first be allowed that many undesigning citizens may wish its adoption from the best motives, but these are modest and silent, when compared to the greater number, who endeavor to suppress all attempts for investigation. These violent partisans are for having the people gulp down the gilded pill blindfolded, whole, and without any qualification whatever.”
While some of my Founders were lawyers like Patrick Henry, Luther Martin, Robert Yates and John Lansing Jr. they weren’t like your Federalist lawyers:
“The (Federalist) Lawyers in particular, keep up an incessant declamation for its adoption; like greedy gudgeons they long to satiate their voracious stomachs with the golden bait.”
Your founders used their best weapon which was the phantom of fear to influence the people to adopt the constitution, but my Founders saw through their lies:
“We have been told of phantoms and ideal dangers to lead us into measures which will, in my opinion, be the ruin of our country. If the existence of those dangers cannot be proved, if there be no apprehension of wars, if there be no rumors of wars, it will place the subject in a different light, and plainly evince to the world that there cannot be any reason for adopting measures which we apprehend to be ruinous and destructive.”
My Founders believed in “consent of the governed” yours advocated government by force:
“There are two opinions prevailing in the world—the one, that mankind can only be governed by force; the other, that they are capable of freedom and a good government.”
Your founders gave themselves the name “Federalists” as a mode of deception, yet my Founders saw through the ruse:
“There are but two modes by which men are connected in society, the one which operates on individuals, this always has been, and ought still to be called, national government; the other which binds States and governments together (not corporations, for there is no considerable nation on earth, despotic, monarchical, or republican, that does not contain many subordinate corporations with various constitutions) this last has heretofore been denominated a league or confederacy. The term federalists is therefore improperly applied to themselves…”
My Founders did not see the Articles of Confederation as being too weak while your founders found them to actually be too strong; strong enough to curb their monarchical designs and the power of unlimited taxation, therefore they deceptively claimed the Articles lacked “energy:”
“[S]hall a government which has been thus strong and vigorous, be accused of imbecility, and abandoned for want of energy? Consider what you are about to do before you part with the government. Take longer time in reckoning things.”
Looks as if one of my Founders described yours really well while at the same time describing most of the politicians of today; they are all Federalists now it seems:
“There are men amongst us, of such dissatisfied tempers, that place them in Heaven, they would find something to blame; and so restless and self-sufficient, that they must be eternally reforming the state. But the misfortune is, they always leave affairs worse than they find them.”
Wow, one of my Founders described our government and politicians of today:
“While some are studying to supplant their neighbors, and others striving to keep their stations, one villain will wink at the oppression of another, the people be fleeced, and the public business neglected. From despotism and tyranny good Lord deliver us.”
“Thus will you be necessarily compelled either to make a bold effort to extricate yourselves from these grievous and oppressive extortions, or you will be fatigued by fruitless attempts into the quiet and peaceable surrender of those rights, for which the blood of your fellow citizens has been shed in vain.”
To be continued; because for many, the truth is best administered in small doses.