By Henry Makow Ph.D.
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Stephen Bloom has a love of fairness and justice typical of many liberal American Jews. A journalism professor, he saw the opening of a Kosher meat packer by Hasidic Jews in Postville Iowa in 1987 as an opportunity to study the Jewish-gentile dynamic in microcosm. 



He discovered more about Judaism and the causes of anti-Semitism than he wanted to know. His conclusion from “Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America” published in 2000:

“Initially I had gone to Postville to learn from the Hasidim [Orthodox Jews], to share with them a sense of identity and belonging. Instead, what the Postville Hasidim ultimately offered me was a glimpse of the dark side of my own faith, a look at Jewish extremists whose behavior not only made the Postville locals wince, but made me wince, too.”

“I didn’t want to partake in Hasidim’s vision that called on Jews to unite against the goyim and assimilation. The world, even in Iowa, was too bountiful to base my likes and dislikes solely on religion. The word Hasid …literally means ‘the pious one,’ but the Postville Hasidim..were anything but pious. You couldn’t become casual friends with them…They required total submission to their schema of right and wrong, Jew vs. Christian — or you were the enemy.” (291)

In other words, if you’re a Jew but don’t buy their insane hatred, then you’re no better than the goyim. Unfortunately, their attitude typifies organized Jewry as a whole.

Stephen Bloom was put under the tutelage of one “Lazar”, a “model Lubavitcher, a mensch as well as a tzaddik” (wise man.)
“I am a racist,” Lazar told Bloom right off the bat. The Jews have persisted throughout history because “we are better and smarter.” (192)

“Wherever we go, we don’t adapt to the place or the people, Lazar preached…”It’s always been like that and always will be like that. It’s the place and the people who have to adapt to us.”

kiss-war.png(Except they haven’t told the non-Jews. And Cabalist Jews hate assimilated Jews as well.)

Bloom reflected: “Lazar’s comment underscored the Hasidim’s contempt for non-Jews, which wasn’t limited to Postville gentiles but to all Christians…Hasidim like Lazar have a total disinterest in anything or anyone who isn’t Jewish…The Hasidim were waging a cultural holy war…Their world was Jew vs. non-Jew…If you didn’t agree, you were at fault, part of the problem. You were paving the way for the ultimate destruction of the Jews, the world’s Chosen People. There was no room for compromise…no room for anything but total and complete submission.” (196-198) 
This may explain why Chabad Jews are suspected of complicity in the Holocaust.

This enmity extends to business, which is a form of aggression against gentiles.  “I don’t feel like a Jew unless I bargain,” Lazar told him. “A Jew has to feel he got something for the absolute lowest price or he feels rotten.”  After reaching a deal with a Gentile, the Hasid boasted of not keeping the terms or taking his time to pay.

 Bloom compared it to hunting: “The Hasidim not only [bargained] with alacrity, but enjoyed boasting about the terrain, equipment, first sighting and ultimate kill.” (211)

Bloom relates a particularly shameful incident told by store owner. A Hasid pretended he had paid in advance for some merchandise, grabbed it and ran out of the store.

Despite being shunned by the Rabbis, a Rev Miller organized an ecumenical service with two other clergymen from Postville’s other two churches. No Jews showed up. “Reverend Miller got stiffed,” Bloom writes. (146)

Evidently, tolerance, ecumenicalism, anti-racism, diversity etc. is to weaken and dilute the goyim not the Talmudists.


It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that Talmudic  behavior is the real cause of Anti-Semitism.

But the implications are far more serious. Meyer Amschel Rothschild was a Talmudist. This satanic hatred of humanity, and Christianity in particular, is driving the covid vaccines. There is a direct line between the Crucifixion of Christ, who represented the God of Love, 9-11 and the New World Order in terms of the degradation of humanity through fake pandemic, war and depression. If this logic is correct, humanity’s fate is to be crucified like Christ or otherwise slaughtered or enslaved.

Like Stephen Bloom and myself,  90% of American Jews are secular and ignorant of the Talmud. We find its views abhorrent. But these attitudes are the no longer hidden agenda of Communism, Zionism and Organized Jewry.  A Gentile elite consisting of Freemasons (the Illuminati Order)  has been installed by the Jewish bankers to advance this agenda. Joe Biden and most Western “leaders” belong to it.

Jew Bolshevik America.jpgThe New World Order imperils humanity and assimilated Jews. As conditions deteriorate, anti-Semitism may become rampant.  Jews must recognize that Judaism is not a religion but a conspiracy against humanity. It is also a conspiracy against Jews, whose security is endangered by its secret agenda. Zionism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism are all deceitful means to establish the Masonic/Talmudic/Cabalistic  central bankers in a thinly veiled “world government” tyranny.

Society has been brainwashed to reject the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which explains the methodology in detail. This document is not anti-Semitic; it is Satanic. I first recognized it was authentic when the author celebrated that a “cold and forlorn” mood had taken hold of  Europe’s cities. This is something no “forger” would think of.

Assimilated Jews need to dis-associate from organized Jewry and reinvent themselves as a people, recognizing how, like other peoples, they have been deceived and exploited by their so-called leaders. Like Stephen Bloom, many assimilated Jews have a strong sense of truth, justice and God’s bountifulness, and must join their Christian neighbors in putting America back on track.