Planned Parenthood has given $120,000.00 to Brian’s opponent Lisa Neubauer.
Missionaries to the Preborn
P.O. Box 26931
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
March 28th, 2019
Dear Friends of the Preborn,
Those of us here at Missionaries to the Preborn want you to know how important it is to vote for Brian Hagedorn on April 2nd!
Planned Parethood has spent $120,000.00 to get his opponent elected. She is a committed baby-killer and socialist. For the sake of our preborn neighbors do not forget to vote.
Please forward this email to others.
May Christ be glorified in the earth!
Pastor Matt Trewhella
eighth week baby in the womb
8-week preborn baby in the womb.
We DO NOT use PayPal as they give to Planned Parenthood.  You can give to our efforts here by clicking “Donate here” above.  Thanks!!!