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A potential Republican challenger to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is speaking out, blasting the lawmaker as “All Out Crazy” and branding her as someone who does not properly represent the ideas of the district.

New Jersey Republican Rich Valdes, also known as “Mr. Call Screener” on The Mark Levin Show, plans to move to New York’s 14th congressional district and challenge Ocasio-Cortez in the next election.

Valdes spoke to a group of people at the Queens Village Republican Club Thursday and assigned a new meaning to Ocasio-Cortez’s infamous acronym “AOC,” calling her “All Out Crazy.”

“AOC – All Out Crazy – wants to establish a new Soviet Republic. I believe in capitalism over socialism,” Valdes said.

He said her “misguided” policies “don’t represent the district” she serves and pointed to Ocasio-Cortez’s endless devotion to climate change efforts.

“She’s great at fundraising but not at constituent services,” he told the group. “Ask around, most constituents don’t think climate change is a number one issue.”

He also addressed the coming criticism of being a “carpetbagger” by pointing to his frequent appearances in the community.

“People see me and they say ‘wow’ we see you more than we see her!” Valdes said.

“That’s interesting for a carpetbagger,” he continued. “I know I speak better Spanish than her.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s nationwide approval rating has been less than ideal. A Quinnipiac University poll from March showed the New York lawmaker with a mere 23 percent favorability rating. Thirty-six percent viewed her unfavorably. However, the results are more positive in her district.

According to a Sienna College Research Institute poll conducted March 31 through April 4, 52 percent of the 607 registered voters surveyed in her district viewed her favorably, and 59 percent said they were “proud to have Ocasio-Cortez representing the district.”

Many of the voters support her ideas on climate change, Medicare for All, and free college. Additionally, “48 percent of all voters and 61 percent of Democrats would vote to re-elect Ocasio-Cortez in 2020,” the survey found.

The Sienna College Research Institute poll has a margin of error of  +/- 4.3 points.