My name is David Stouvenel and I started life in a small town in mid America during the last century. The contrast between then and now is very noticeable to me as I have served our Christian nation in two distinguished departments of our armed forces in both Europe and Asia since the days of my youth.

During my first voluntary enlistment into the Department of the Army I was assigned to duty in Europe as our nation was defending against Soviet Russian Communist aggression as my first duty stationing, then later assigned to Viet Nam. My second voluntary enlistment was into the Department of the Navy in which I attended medical school at the Great Lakes, Illinois facility, then after graduation was assigned to the Navy Regional Medical Hospital at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My assignment at the N.R.M.H. was on the post-operation’s female surgery ward.

I came to a knowledge of the Truth, which is known as being born again on 1 January 1972, which is described in John 3:3 when Jesus told a ruler of the Jews named Nicodemus, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Program Description

The primary reason for our radio ministry is to honor and acknowledge the Creator, His Son Jesus Christ and Lord Holy Ghost by teaching and learning from the K.J.V. Bible. Subordinate to this foundational effort will be studying, reporting on and analyzing current events as we together formulate and discover remedy for abuses of the public trust.